Live, Attenuated, Freeze-Dried, ‘Intermediate’ Strain.
The vaccine contains live, attenuated Infectious Bursal Disease Intermediate strain virus propagated in chick embryo fibroblast cell culture derived from SPF eggs. It is available in freeze dried form. The vaccine contains ≥103TCID50 virus per dose.

Vaccinate at 12-14 days age and repeat at 4 weeks age.

Reconstitute 100 doses in 4 ml, 200 doses in 8 ml, 500 doses in 20 ml and 1000 doses in 40 ml, vaccine diluent . Administer to the chick one drop of reconstituted vaccine orally or use drinking water method.

100, 200, 500 and 1000 dose vials.

Store the vaccine at 20– 80 C. Vaccine diluent can be stored at room temperature in cool area.