Aluminium Hydroxide Gel Adjuvanted
Black Quarter is a generalized infection of cattle caused by Clostridium chauvoei. It is characterized by emphysematous swelling of the muscles especially those of gluteal region. The incubation period is 1-5 days. The onset is sudden. The initial symptom is lameness with or without fever. Swellings at first are small, hot & painful. They may develop in the muscles of shoulder, hip, chest, back & flank. In a few hours, the swellings become extensive & crepitating.
The general symptoms are complete anorexia, marked prostration, muscular tremors, congested mucosa, dyspnoea, rapid pulse & high fever. The death occurs within 12-48 hours. On incision of affected swollen part infiltration with discoloured serum with gas is found. This gives typical sweetish-sour smell. The muscles are emphysematous, dark or black, friable giving a spongy character.
This vaccine is a suspension of formalin-killed Clostridium chauvoei -49 (IVRI Strain) adjuvanted with Aluminium hydroxide gel. Each dose contains 109 CFU of inactivated organism of Clostridium chauvoei -49.
The cattle should be vaccinated at least 15-20 days before the onset of seasonal outbreak. It requires about 14 days for the animal to develop full immunity. Vaccination should be done every year.
Shake well to make uniform suspension, inject 2 ml per animal subcutaneously in lower neck region.
50 dose vial.
Store the vaccine at 20-80C.